Navo Middle School Band

CHARMS Music Software
Navo Middle School Band
CHARMS is a music organization software program used by all music groups in Denton ISD. It allows the director, student, and parents to track student information, forms turned in, fees paid, and much more. It is very important that your information is correct. All email correspondence will be done using the CHARMS software. It is very important that your email addresses are kept up-to-date.
To access CHARMS:
1. Enter www.charmsoffice.com/charms/plogin.asp in your web browser
2. Enter our school code with no spaces: navomsband
3. Enter your student's school ID number where it says “Enter Student Password.” (first login only)
You will be asked to change your password from your ID number after the first login. To do this, click “Change Password.” Then enter your ID number as your old password and choose a new one. Re-enter this new one to confirm the change. Please remember your password is case sensitive. You will need to enter your password the exact same way you did the first time. If you forget your password, contact your band director to reset to your student ID.